Friday, January 7, 2011

The Official Consummation of My Marriage (don't worry, it's not what you think...)

Well I guess this makes it official.

I am now a full on dinner-prepping, bed-sharing, (and most importantly) blog-posting married woman. Because after all, everyone knows that starting the token "married couple blog" is the real way to consummate a marriage these days.

I've been Mrs.Sargent for exactly 3 weeks now, over which weeks I've acquired the following:

4 crock pots
1,300 baking sheets
1 wallet that won't snap shut, due to the large volume of Target gift cards within (not complaining)
1 decent tan/sunburn
5 lbs of extra body fat (a sarcastic thank you to the Caribbean Princess Cruise Ship and its sugar and trans fat laced buffet spread)
57 kitchen appliances (and most importantly, a new found desire to use them)
1 Costco membership
2 sisters (this is a very exciting first for me)
0 UTIs (sorry to be graphic, but I proudly feel this is something worth noting)
1 new (and most importantly) normal last name

Oh, and most importantly- the best husband I could ever ask for.

I promise I won't get too cheesy here, but really- so far this whole "being a wife" thing has been amazing. I feel really lucky to be where I am in life. I guess I feel like getting married to Brock somehow validates every past decision-good or bad- that I have ever made. Because that combination of decisions led me here. And this is exactly where I want to be.

Now, to make things even. What did Brock acquire out of all this?

2 wedding bands (1 nice one, 1 cheap CTR ring for backup... or for when we meet the prophet and want to impress him with our dedication to the Lord and each other)
1 shower full of girlie products (and probably hair balls- I'm sorry ladies, but when it comes to bathroom cleanliness, I'm convinced boys are actually neater than us)
1 iTunes account full of Gossip Girl downloads
1 large dresser drawer full of lingerie
3.5 billion attempted accents, recycled jokes and strange sound effects, courtesy of his witty and hilarious wife

Like I've always told him, I'm really getting the better end of the deal here.


  1. AHHHHHHHHH!! I love this hahahahaha. So convenient that I logged on now just in time to read your first married blog. I love you seeeester.

  2. The normal last name thing really is a perk right? GASS-MAN and GRANNNY are maybe the worst ever. I am still crossing my fingers for an Anderson or Johnson.
    Also I hope married Carolyn is a more consistent blogger bc I thoroughly enjoy her posts!

  3. OMG! this is what marriage is going to be like for me. i just know it.

    you are such a guru. in the serious, prophetic way.



  4. Hey Car! I LOVED this!!! Ha. and I'm so happy for your normal last name!!! I have something for you. (I was so sad I missed your reception.) Congrats I'm so happy for you!!!
