Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Deleted My Last Post

Have you ever written something and posted it without really reading over it first?

Well, that's kind of what happened with my last post. I read over it again yesterday and realized that I was really embarrassed by what I wrote.

So... I deleted it.

For anyone who did read it and was disgusted by the lack of manners, social skills and hygiene present in the Sargent family, I'd like to apologize and beg you for a second chance at your respect. None of those instances were actually as bad as I wrote them- I may have taken a bit of creative liberty. Hey, we all do, right?

I promise that we are actually somewhat classy, respectable people most of the time. Those times just aren't as funny to write about. I mean, nobody wants to read about our daily vitamin intake, scripture/prayer routine, and well dressed nights out. This is just not that kind of blog.

For all of you who DIDN'T read my last post... I guess you'll always wonder what exactly it was I wrote about... Have fun!


  1. Hahahahaha!!!! So funny because I was looking for it yesterday to read to my roommate and I couldn't find it!!

  2. Lol!! I really enjoyed reading your post and trying to think what I would note about myself and Kevin's lack of propriety in certain situations. I like it when people are real and share their somewhat embarrassing but highly entertaining stories. Don't be embarrassed Carr!
