Friday, April 6, 2012

Daddy's Big Guy and Some Great Conversation

Today the little guy officially received his first baby gift. It was given to me by my coworker Tracy. Tracy has a Grinch tattoo on her calf and is one of the nicest people I know.

It is a striped onesie (sp? patience please- I've never typed out these baby terms before) with "Daddy's Big Guy" plastered across the tiny chest. Then there is some sort of football graphic with a smiley face. Well, it might not be a football- it might just be a tan oval with a smiley face. I'm not sure. Tracy proudly told me that she'd gotten it at Wal Mart for $1. Score! 

I've always been a bit envious of men for one reason. (Well aside from their lightning fast metabolisms and the fact that it is socially acceptable for them to wear basketball shorts in public.) No matter the situation, men always have a go-to conversation topic: sports. Almost any guy can strike up a conversation with practically any other guy about the Broncos (or insert team here), Jimmer (at least in Utah), or March Madness brackets. For those men not interested in sports, the "Call of Duty" and "World of Warcraft" populations are disturbingly high. I'm sure the discussion possibilities regarding those gaming gems are endless. 

On the other hand, I've always felt that women lacked a solid go-to conversation topic. Good conversation is not just dumped in our laps. It takes a lot more work for us to bond! Questions need to be asked! Hair/shoes needs to be complimented! Quirky/semi gross habits sometimes need to be revealed. That is until now. I've discovered the feminine equivalent: pregnancy. I can talk to anyone about pregnancy! Women who have had babies are more than willing to share their (comical, horrific, embarrassing) experiences. And much more willing to at least feign interest in mine! Women who haven't been pregnant are patient enough with my endless ramblings, mostly because most of them know they'll be there sooner or later too. 

Note: I will admit, a close second to the "pregnancy" as a go-to conversation topic among women is "The Bachelor." I have had some riveting and thought provoking discussions about this show with ladies of all backgrounds and intellects. I'm embarrassed how much I've discussed Ben's awful hair, Courtney's awful soul and Linzi's awful Snow White cape. (Bachelor viewers, you know what fashion disaster I'm talking about.)

I feel like I have joined some sort of exclusive club. Most of me feels honored to be included in such a grand sisterhood. The other tiny part of me misses my stretch mark-free body. 

I'll try to draft up some blog posts that are NOT about being pregnant soon. As much as I think about it, it's like watching a pot boil; the more I talk about it, the further away August seems. 

1 comment:

  1. Pregnancy (and birth stories!) is the ultimate equalizer! My last pregnancy was over four years ago and I still love to chat about being pregnant with anyone who will listen to me. And I am legitimately interested in other people's pregnancy experiences; I love to hear them as much as I love to talk about mine! And then once you have your baby, the topics are endless: Breastfeeding? Sleeping through the night? Binky usage? Weight percentiles? Milestones? I mean, seriously, it's awesome.

    And I miss my perfect mark-less body, too. As soon as they whiten, it's much less sad! I was surprised how quickly they did, too. Honestly, I have to be in just the right light to see them anymore.

    PS I don't know if I told you yet, but CONGRATULATIONS!
